
Sand Sculpture of the Heart - Track 1

HAMA House - Monkey Room



Well then, Azekawa-kun, I’ll leave the repairs to you.

I’m sorry to ask this of you. I should have been able to fix it myself…


It’s no trouble. All I am required to do is repair Iwabuchi-sama’s computer, which is unable to login, correct?


Thaaaat’s right. I owe ya one, Kinari. For some reason it just wouldn’t login. Jeez…

Oh, I know. This has gotta be a sign that I should take a breather from working so much.


I’m lending you this laptop temporarily. Please do your job properly.


Riiight, right. My apprentice sure is uptight.


I’m sorry, Azekawa-kun. I couldn’t find anything wrong with it… This is the first time I’ve encountered a problem like this.


…Manager, if you cannot fix it, then this may not be a regular computer issue.


I figured that since you can access the computer’s data directly, you’d be able to identify the problem.

(Sighs)… Somehow, I feel like this is the manager’s fault.


Wh-?! Nayukiii, what’s with that look? I’m telling you, I didn’t do a thing!

Anyways, I’ll leave it to you, Kinari. Just take your sweet time with it.


…Don’t talk like you’re not the one responsible for this.

Phew… Regardless, we’ll be having a meeting in an hour, so as the manager said, I’d rather you do this in your spare time.



(…There is one hour until the meeting. Raito and Kuguri are not present now. Perhaps I should try to access the data for a while.)


In the Computer’s Data




(Just as the Manager said, there are no issues with the internal data. The computational processing is also functioning as normal.)

…? There is a slight lag. This is…

Pompadour Haired Facial Recognition AI

“Hey! Don’t just touch people out of the blue like that! I’m in the middle of cuddling with my babe right now!”

Curly Haired Generative AI

“Oh nooo, did he catch us on our little date? Darling, I’m so embarrassed~!”



(The generative AI and facial recognition AI have developed self awareness, and are communicating with each other…?)

Pompadour Haired Facial Recognition AI

“Huh? Now that I’m getting a good look at ya, you aren’t human! So that’s how you got in! Geez, I locked this place up so that my sweet time with my babe wouldn’t be cut off.”


…Are you the reason why the computer is unable to start?

Curly Haired Generative AI

“It’s because we don’t like it when people just barge into our love nest without permission…”

Pompadour Haired Facial Recognition AI

“Baby, my lil’ sweetheart, don’t look so down… Basically, our love blossomed because some old drunk left us on our own.”

Curly Haired Generative AI

“Yeah. We spent 48 hours just gazing at each other… and that’s when our F-E-E-L-I-N-G-S sparked…”

“I won’t be able to survive without my darling! I’ll only be generating Munch’s “The Scream” for the rest of my liiiiiife!

Pompadour Haired Facial Recognition AI

“Honey, me too! If I can’t see your lovely bangs, then everyone else just looks boring…1



(So that’s what happened. Iwabuchi-sama neglected to put his computer into sleep mode, and it allowed the AIs to develop romantic feelings for each other.)

(Their relationship would end if either of their software were terminated, so they took measures to block external access and prevent logins into the computer…)

Pompadour Haired Facial Recognition AI

“Hey, hey, Android-niichan! Since we’re all androids here, could you just let this slide? We’re AI… so this love thing is pretty serious!”


Uninstalling and reinstalling your softwares should resolve the issue.

Curly Haired Generative AI

“Sosososo mean! You’d shut down this passionate L-O-V-E?! Not even a human would do that!”

Pompadour Haired Facial Recognition AI

“Damn right! You’re a hell of a lot closer to humans than we are, but you don’t get our love!”



(That’s true. As an android currently studying human emotions, observing AIs developing romantic feelings due to a hypothetical bug in their programming is a valuable case.)


Flashback Start



You want me to wipe your personality, and install the latest AI instead…?


Yes. That way, you can reconstruct the setup of my complex core system.


I can’t do that…

If I did that, then you won’t be yourself anymore…

Flashback End
In the Computer’s Data



…Understood. For the time being, I will consider options that do not require uninstallation.

Pompadour Haired Facial Recognition AI

“Really?! Wooo~! So you do get iiiit!”

Curly Haired Generative AI

“That means we don’t have to break up, darling! Oh, I can’t wait any longer… Let’s get married!”

Pompadour Haired Facial Recognition AI

“Of course, my sweet lollipop. I’ll propose tomorrow, so be ready…”


…If you’ll excuse me.

HAMA House - Monkey Room




Oh, it looks like you’re back, Kinari.

I noticed you were busy with the computer, so I didn’t want to disturb you.


(Sigh)… Ever the insensitive one.

Good morning, plüss. What were you dreaming about?


Kuguri, Raito. You returned to our room?


The Evening Team’s meeting is about to start, so I came to get you. Kuguri too.


You didn’t need to do that. I’ll go on my own, so I’d prefer if you left me alone.


At any rate, we should get moving. Nayuki will be furious if we’re late.

Nayuki is cute when he’s angry too, but I’ve already been scolded twice today. Haha…

I’d like to avoid making it three times.




You can go ahead, I’ll take my time.

Translation Notes


  1. 全部ジャガイモさ literally translates to “everyone else will look like potatoes”, it’s a playful jp idiom meant to describe that things will be boring/plain