…Good grief. It seems like we’ve finally arrived in the city.
Wow, it really feels like I’m in a foreign country. There’s hardly any Asians here, so I feel like I stand out~
Oh, but you look like you’re used to it. You used to live abroad, right?
You spend a lot of time abroad as well, don’t you? Isn’t making the most of the last drops of freedom what being a college student is all about?
Haha, that’s not really my kinda thing.
(…“A pair training trip for the sake of gaining experience as a ward mayor.” I’d give anything to get out of it, though.)
(Who would’ve thought I’d end up hitting the jackpot so soon.)
Uh, so I guess this means we don’t get a local to show us around this time.
Not having any restrictions certainly makes things more convenient.
Well, we have to write a report on the places of interest we find in exchange.
I’m sure you’ll do a great job taking care of that.
No way, I’ll let someone else do it. I’m crap at that sorta thing.
(But, I guess…)
(Of all people to be forced to tag along with…)
(He probably isn’t the worst.)
Ten! Kuguri! I heard you guys are paired up for the next training trip!?
Are you gonna be alright? Have you ever been to Estonia?
Uh, what do you think?
O-Oh, I see!
If you wanna learn their language, I know some really good apps and videos that’ll help! And I can practice with you, if you want!
It’s good to know their language in case you get lost or have an accident—
Renga, think about it for a moment. If they were to find themselves in a situation like that, do you think these two would be the type to lose their heads?
W-Well, yeah, I guess Ten and Kuguri don’t seem like they’d panic in that kind of situation.
Knowing them, I’m sure they will be fine.
Oh? Considering the fact that we don’t know what kind of things we might face, you sure sound unbothered, Yodaka.
You two are cunning enough to turn a moment of crisis into something amusing over a drink… at least, that’s what I think.
I doubt I’m likely to find myself in that kind of situation as much as you would, given how you sleep so much.
Haha, you think so? …I’ll be looking forward to the souvenirs.
I’m looking forward to some snacks to go with our sake, Ten!
Let’s just pray nothing happens while we’re there~
Take care.
Well, I hope we can enjoy ourselves a bit.
Yeah, just a bit.
(Murakumo Ten… I don’t know anything about him, from who he is to where he’s been. Frankly, I don’t care.)
(However, just looking him in the eyes is enough to tell me that he feels the same way about me.)
(Let’s just say, if we casually got split up at the corner over there and went our separate ways…)
(This guy wouldn’t say a word. And he’d probably even bullshit some sort of long, dramatic retelling in his report.)
(Well, I suppose I could call him boring, since he doesn’t really act in ways I’d find interesting.)
(I guess if he isn’t annoying, there’s no point in ditching him. If we split up, I’ll probably end up having to write my own report anyway.)
Alright, how about we start by grabbing some coffee and deciding where to go—
…What’s that?
(There’s a middle-aged guy buried in piles of bears, cats, and a bunch of other small things stacked on a wagon.)
It looks like a marzipan shop.
Marzipan is that one thing, right? The kind of sweet people use to decorate cakes and stuff. It’s a pretty good gift to make a lady happy~
If all it takes to make someone happy is a lump of almond flour, sugar, and water, then that would make them quite cute, wouldn’t it?
I think it’s a Tallinn specialty. I wonder if it’s a good topic for the report.
Who knows. Why not ask him yourself?
(He’s got a stubborn look on his face and he’s standing completely still. Talk about scary…)
Go on. Don’t keep him waiting. You learned a bit of Estonian from Renga, didn’t you?
Haha, you’re joking, of course not. Give me a sec to open the translation app.
I didn’t get that. Please try again.
Let’s just go to a cafe, yeah?
≪Oh, father-in-law! You promised to greet the guests properly when they came…!≫
≪I apologize, my father-in-law isn’t good at speaking.≫
≪Ahaha. So you have to cover for him? Must be tough.≫
≪Well, it can be. But… I just want as many people as possible to see the amazing marzipan my father-in-law makes!≫
≪Our stall is still relatively new, but we won’t lose out to the other more established stores.≫
≪How about it? Just take a look!≫
…If you’re not buying, get lost.
≪Father-in-law, please!≫
Hey, don’t be mean.