- Chained Up ScarletMain Story 47 ChaptersContains a translation for 18trip Ev3ns Main Story! Status: Side A Complete!
- S.139, R.2BNovel 5 ChaptersContains a translation for Domeki Kuguri's Novel! Please heed any content warnings present for specific chapters and read at your own comfort/discretion. Additionally, Kuguri’s novel, as well as all other 18trip novels, contain major main story spoilers and is better read/understood after the main story.
- Sand Sculpture of the HeartEvent Story 12 ChaptersThe second feature tour was left in the hands of the Evening Team, with Kinari as the main host and Kuguri as the sub-host. Upon Kuguri's request, the destination for the Evening Team's second study trip are the Tottori Sand Dunes! While working with Ev3ns as an Ambassador at the sand dunes, Kinari begins to get anxious about the rate of his emotional development. After asking each member about what is essential to emotional growth, he recieves the keywords 'sex' and 'death' from Kuguri. Eager to learn, Kinari, guided by Kuguri’s teachings, begins acting strangely the next day...
- TOXIC × NEIGHBORDuo Travel Event 5 ChaptersAgainst their will, Ten and Kuguri find themselves paired together for a training trip. With little interest in each other, they keep their conversations surface level as they go through the motions of sightseeing in Estonia. While looking for a place to take a break, they stumble upon a marzipan shop, where they meet a stubborn shopkeeper who is unwilling to welcome them at first. However, Kuguri’s natural charm eventually wooes him. They arrive at an adjacent café at the shop owner’s recommendation. As classical music drifts from an old record player, Kuguri suddenly goes quiet, memories of a certain man from his past resurfacing. Noticing this, Ten suddenly gets an idea…
- Ayakashi Parade in mahorovaEvent Story 9 ChaptersHAMA Tours received a request for individuals to participate in a cosplay event in mahorova. The team selected to participate consisted of Kuguri, Nanaki, Kinari, Nagi, and Ushio. However, the group faces unexpected creative differences while presenting cosplay ideas...
- Wrong Order! 1,000,000 Pumpkin FiascoEvent Story 9 ChaptersIn the midst of his hectic life, Muneuji, who seriously devotes himself to both his duties as a HAMA ward mayor and HAMA Asunaro High School’s student council vice-president, accidentally places an erroneous order!? Big pumpkins, small pumpkins, pumpkins of all shapes and sizes are continuously delivered to the doorsteps of Asu High, keeping the student councils’ hands full dealing with complaints. Feeling responsible, Muneuji solicits ideas from the members of HAMA Tours in order to resolve this perilous pumpkin problem. What is the solution Muneuji arrives at upon wearing a pumpkin head at Raito’s suggestion…?